Sunday, September 27, 2009

New Sneakers!

It was a hard week. I wasn't able to run much this week. Between late night visits to friends and my feet going numb, I didn't get much running done. BUT! I got new sneakers today. Saucony running sneakers. I'm pumped. I'm hoping these will help my foot/shin/calf problems. They have a 90 day return policy, so I'll try them out for a week or so and see what happens. If they don't help, I'll just return them and try a different brand. Apparently, I need arch support. I forgot to get the inserts today after I got the sneakers, so I'll have to go out and get them tomorrow.

Here's to a successful week! Enjoy yours! :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

I Want A Treadmill...

Yes, I want a treadmill. We're in DC this week and I used the treadmill in the fitness center tonight. No shin pain, no calf pain and my foot didn't fall asleep. It was so pleasurable to run tonight, I wanted to keep going. But I knew if I did, I'd never go to sleep tonight. :)

I've been keeping up with my running. I'm now up to 15 minutes of running. I'm continuing to start out with five minutes of walking, then 15 minutes of running, another five minutes of walking, another 15 of running, five of walking, five to ten of running and then I cool down with ten to twelve minutes of walking.

I'm totally in love with running. I can completely see why people love to do it. You burn a ton of calories, you feel great when you're doing it, you feel even better when you're done and it's just awesome. I also feel good about giving Ben and Madi a healthier influence.

As I said above, I've been having problems with my shins and my foot. When we get home, I'm going to go to a sports store and get a pair of running shoes. I'm hoping it'll help with the foot issue. I'm not sure what to do about my shins. I've done some research and I'm hoping it's not shin splints. Running on the treadmill was awesome. I didn't have any trouble with anything tonight.

So, tonight's workout was my best yet. 65 minutes total, 418.2 calories burned, 3.99 miles. I think I'll be in good shape for that 10k next spring!!


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Life Change

No, not "change of life", "Life Change". I'm 32, and decided I need to do something to make me happy. I'm overweight, out of shape and not a very healthy influence on my children. So on Monday I got up at 5:00am and started my Life Change. I took to the street in my neighborhood and walked/ran for 38 minutes 4 seconds. On Tuesday I got up at 5:00am again and did a workout on the Wii using EA Sports Active. Wednesday I walked/ran for 39 minutes 52 seconds. Thursday & Friday I did the Wii workout. Today - I completely kicked butt! I've been up since 4:00am (both kids have wicked colds). After I finally got them put back to bed (approx 2 hours later), I went out for my walk/run. I pushed myself to 5-minute run spurts and did an extra lap for a total workout time of 50 minutes 14 seconds!! Of course, now I'm ready to collapse and go back to bed! But, all in all, not a bad first week.

I've also been watching my caloric intake and trying to stick to 1500 calories on my walk/run days and 1200 on the rest of the days. I've decided that Sundays are my off days, at least from exercising. I don't want to burn myself out. I'm pretty excited. I think this is going to be great and I'm looking forward to the positive results from all my hard work.

And the absolute quiet in the morning is wonderful. Everyone is still asleep and it's nice "me" time. I plan to check back weekly with an update on my week's work. My ultimate goal is to lose 40 pounds and try for a 5k run next spring/summer. :)

See you next week!

In case you're interested, here's how I did my run/walks:

Walk: 5:00, Run: 2:15, W: 5:00, R: 3:15, W: 5:00, R: 3:34, W: 14:00

W: 5:00, R: 3:50, W: 5:00, R: 4:00, W: 5:00, R: 4:02, W: 12:00

W: 5:00, R: 5:01, W: 4:26, R: 4:51, W: 4:26, R: 5:01, W: 4:26, R: 4:58, W: 12:05