Monday, March 3, 2008

Birthday Blah

So the big 3-1 is coming up a few days. I was totally cool with turning 30, but this year, I'm having a hard time swallowing 31. It's not that I feel old, or that time is flying by too fast (even though it is)...I just feel out of sorts and not in the birthday mood.

My girlfriends and I are going to Boston for an overnite this husbands, children, phones. Just peace, quiet, drinking, good food, good friends. I have been and am looking forward to this weekend like a dehydrated man in the desert. I'm not ashamed to admit that I need a break and I am going to relax and recoup and enjoy.

Anyway - I'm kind of rambling, but suffice to say this birthday is not being met with my usual enthusiasm. I have no idea why - just not. And I find that a little disturbing. I love birthdays. Maybe it's leftover angst from being too okay with turning 30? Who knows...but whatever the reason, I hope it goes away before Friday arrives!

1 comment:

Sam Brady said...

Suck it up! :-) You're still just a baby. I'll be 39 this year and my wife will be 40. If we can do it, you can do it.