So a little about myself. I'm married to a wonderful man named David. We've been married for four years...Wow! I have a son named Benjamin, he'll be two in March. The time sure does fly when you're having fun.
So my rant for the day is this: it's 2:28pm, my son is down for his nap and it's Tuesday. Tuesdays are the World of Warcraft update day and typically the servers are down until 2pm EST, except today. Today, they are down for at least another hour because of problems. I have FREE time - to myself - and I cannot play. SO FRUSTRATING! My house is clean, laundry in their respective appliances, I'm showered, emails answered, and still I have free time and no WoW. AHHHHH!
Deep breath. Well, like my friends, I'd like to say that I'll be on here everyday with witty commentary - but I'm a wife, mom and friend and there's no way that'll happen. So - I'll be on when I can. I know you'll be waiting with bated breath. ;-)
Until next time...